Have you ever walked from a field or pasture into a riparian corridor- that cool wet area surrounding a creek or river?
The Other Thing that Water Does
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Our understanding and adoption of regenerative agriculture is constantly expanding. Look here for the latest on what’s happening at TomKat Ranch and within the regenerative agriculture community.
Have you ever walked from a field or pasture into a riparian corridor- that cool wet area surrounding a creek or river?
You might not find fresh manure very exciting, but it doesn’t get much better for a dung beetle. Dung beetles belong to a family of insects better known as scarabs.
At the end of 2023 on December 30th, Point Blue and TomKat conducted a Christmas Bird Count (CBC) at TomKat Ranch for the 7th year since 2015.
In December, Mark Biaggi and Kevin Watt attended and presented at the annual California Association of Resource Conservation Districts (CARCD) Conference in Sacramento.