In December, Mark Biaggi and Kevin Watt attended and presented at the annual California Association of Resource Conservation Districts (CARCD) Conference in Sacramento.
California Association of Resource Conservation Districts Conference
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Our understanding and adoption of regenerative agriculture is constantly expanding. Look here for the latest on what’s happening at TomKat Ranch and within the regenerative agriculture community.
In December, Mark Biaggi and Kevin Watt attended and presented at the annual California Association of Resource Conservation Districts (CARCD) Conference in Sacramento.
When I moved to California after graduating from college, I did so with one desire: to do something about climate change. I thought climate change was something we needed to fix.
I’m new/ish at TomKat Ranch Educational Foundation, just rounding out my first year as Director of Operations and finally getting my arms around what it means to manage a regenerative business.
Conservation Plans have been used by Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs) and the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) for over 85 years