It seems that in every sector, system, or structure of our modern world, people—particularly at the ‘edges’
Shifting Paradigms

Pacific Hound’s Tongue (Cynoglossum grande) found on TomKat Ranch, is native to California. Indigenous peoples have used preparations from the root to treat burns and stomach aches for millennia.
By: Megan Shahan
It seems that in every sector, system, or structure of our modern world, people—particularly at the ‘edges’—are calling for a shift in paradigm: taking lessons from the past and present to intentionally shape and build a future in which people and planet can thrive in balance.
In her new TedTalk, Lyla June Johnston, an Indigenous public speaker, artist, scholar and community organizer of Diné (Navajo), Tsétsêhéstâhese (Cheyenne), and European lineages from Taos, New Mexico, beautifully demonstrates how the human heart and mind can apply 3000-year-old solutions to modern problems. Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants, was recently named the recipient of a MacArthur ‘genius grant’ for her poetic, heart-opening stories that ask us to reimagine our relationship with the natural world.
“I wrote from a sense of reciprocity, that in return for the privilege of spending my personal and professional life listening to plants, that I might share their teachings with those who didn’t even know that they had something to say.” – Braiding Sweetgrass
It is a powerful time to convene with others grappling with the biggest questions of our time. In our Fall newsletter edition, we feature a few of those opportunities, including the upcoming Regenerate Conference 2022: Cultivating Restorative Economies (Nov. 2-4), hosted by the Quivira Coalition, Holistic Management International, and the American Grassfed Association. The conference will be a space for farmers, conservationists, land managers, scientists, and thought leaders to gather in Denver, Colorado, and explore the intersections of ecology and economy through the lenses of agriculture, science, conservation, economics, racial justice, policy, and culture.
To regenerate land, revitalize communities, and foster social equity, requires shifting paradigms. In one of many plenary discussions, New paradigms, new tools: rethinking rangeland conservation, TomKat Ranch Manager, Mark Biaggi, and fellow panelists will explore the diverse suite of tools and concepts available to support rangeland health, ecosystem restoration, cultural revitalization, equity, and agricultural production—and how when we change the way we conceive of land stewardship, new tools and frameworks become available, as well as new methods for adapting the tools and frameworks we already have.
Panel topics and panelists include:
- Grazing trails, the “Safe to Fail” method, and how to choose tools that fit your context, Mark Biaggi (TomKat Ranch)
- Tribal Bison Restoration: Land Rematriation and Reconciliation, Jason Baldes (National Wildlife Federation’s Tribal Partnerships Program)
- Multi-species grazing to manage plants, animal nutrition, soil cover, silvopasture, and homemade biochar, Coley Burgess (Cattle & Pecan farmer)
- Panel will be moderated by Judith McGeary (Farm & Ranch Freedom Alliance)
Our sincere gratitude to all who are working to shift paradigms, and usher in a world rooted in balance and reciprocity.