Nature4Climate Website


We would like to introduce a beautiful new website called Nature4Climate.

Nature4Climate is an initiative of the United Nations Development Program in collaboration with groups like Conservation International, Environmental Defense Fund, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, and The Nature Conservancy to promote the “critical role that nature plays in restoring balance to our climate.”

The website highlights that “natural climate solutions can provide a third of the cost-effective climate mitigation needed between now and 2030 to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.”  The site features scientific papers, case studies, and other resources to support advocates, practitioners, and researchers.  One of the most interesting features of the site is the interactive maps. One map (pictured below) explores the potential of 11 “natural climate solutions” across the United States. Users can also look at specific states and see the potential impact of different practices as well as the estimated available acreage for each practice.