TomKat Ranch’s New Website

Over the last few years, we’ve seen dramatic transformations on our planet and in our food system. As we’ve learned more about the natural systems that care for us and the planet, it has become clear that we must go beyond merely sustaining the degraded health of our lands and ecosystems, and actively leverage our ingenuity, energy, and diligence to regenerate them.
TomKat Ranch’s new website is built around the growing scientific consensus that regenerative agriculture offers an effective and scalable solution to many of the world’s challenges. We hope the site will inspire readers to take action and work with us to transition 1,000,000 acres of California rangeland to regenerative management as well as catalyze action across the United States.
Our work is focused on three key initiatives:
Regenerative Ranching demonstrates the practices and benefits of regenerative rangeland management and supports the tools that speed its adoption.
Fork To Farm aims to change the way society eats in order to accelerate producer adoption of regenerative agriculture.
Gathering for Action brings people together for meaningful conversations that catalyze the transition to a regenerative agriculture system.
The new site will also feature our Ranch Data Project, the ecological monitoring data that is collected at the ranch as part of Point Blue Conservation Science’s Rangeland Monitoring Network and made publicly available for researchers and the general public.
We hope you will return often as we post the latest on what’s happening at TomKat Ranch and within the regenerative agriculture community in our new News + Resources section.